domingo, 19 de mayo de 2013

      Getting to know Bogota



Bogota is located in central part of
thecountry,mountain formation located in the cordillera of the Andes; it is the Andean region. Bogota has a population of 7.363.782.Bogota is 2600-3250 meters above sea level; it has a length of 33km from south to north and 18km from east to west.The actual president is Juan Manuel Santos and hhis principal office is in the center of Bogota called Casa de Nariño. The mayor is also in the center of Bogota and is called Palacio de Lievano. The flag is yellow and red.

                                  This are some images of Bogota


Colombia is located in the northwestern part of South America. The capital is Bogota and the population is over 46.874.321.Colombia is the only country in South America that has coastlines on the Pacific Ocean and Caribbean Sea, also has islands and archipelagos called San Andres and Providencia.Colombia is considering a multicultural country, because they have different types of races.  It is recognize as a worldwide country in the production of mild, coffee, flowers, emeralds, coal and oil. The flag is yellow, blue and red.


                             The representative animal of Colombia


                                This are some images of Colombia


This is a video of our beautifull land
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The Planetarium of Bogota is located in the Street 26B No.5-93, between Plaza Santa Maria and Independence Park. The Planetarium was inaugurated the 22 of December of 1969 and since it was dedicated for astronomy, space science and dissemination. As public cultural sceneries depends equipment branch of the institute of arts. This place talks about the space and teach as about the movement of the stars and the planets.



The planetarium is near to the Plaza de toros La Santamaría.


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The gold museum of the Republic Bank of Colombia is located in the corner of Street 16 and Cr 5° near Santander Park in the historic center of Bogota. It has the biggest pre-Hispanic gold collection in the world with about 34 thousand pieces of gold, and about 25 hundred objects of ceramic, stone, shell, bone and textils. It exposes different pieces of indigenous culture among which are: Calima, Muiscas, Nariño, Quimbaya, Sinú, Tairona, San Agustin, Tierradentro, Tolima and others


Some thing of the museum

The Gold Museum is diagonal to the building of Avianca



Salitre magical is an atracttion park ubicated in Bogota, which is call the Salitre Park. Actually counts with 30 mecanics atracttion like: roller coasters, crash cars and the terror castle that counts with 24 scared sceneries that makes you feel scared. It´s one of the more important atractions park and is next to Cici Aqua park.


                                              This are some games  

 Some videos
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Gabriela's biography:
She was born the 23 of June of 2001 in Bogotá. She likes to dance, listen music and draw, also is cheerleading. Her favorite color is blue and love the converse. Studies at Abraham Lincoln School. She likes to go with her friend to travel  and play bowling, and she loves to travel.

María Alejandra's biography:
She was born the 22 of March of 2001 in Bogotá. She likes to listen music and be with her friends and share with them. Her favorite color is black. She loves animals but her favorite animal is the rabbit. She study in Abraham Lincoln School and in the future she wants to we a doctor.

Valeria's biography:                                                                                                                          She was born in Manizales the 5 of July of 2001, she loves to play with her brother. She play volleyball, she likes to dance and to be with all her friends. Her favorite color is blue, she loves the horses, her favorite bands are Camila, 1D and Andy Rivera. She studies in Abraham Lincoln School and in a future she wants to be a doctor.



Natalia's biography:                                                                                                                            She was born the 15 of October of 2000 in Bogotá, she likes animals. She loves to listen music, paint and go to hot land. Her favorites colors are purple and brown. She studies at Abraham Lincoln School. She loves to be with her friends and share with them. She wants in the future to be an arquitecture.


The experience was very nice because we share alot and learn about many things. We also had fun in all the places we go to saw.

We loves all the atractions in Salitre Mágico, also we loves all the things that were inside the Gold museum and in the planetarium.